About Us - Curehepatitis B

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James Miller
Was diagnosed with Chronic Hepatitis B and refused to give into the recommend doctor prescribed medicine. James immersed himself with learning all he could about the disease and medicine used for curing it. He then started studying all about natural cures for diseases from ancient remedies to new discoveries in medicine and cures.

James used all he learned and started to apply this knowledge to his own hepatitis B. This led to his complete recovery. James passed this knowledge on to other people that had the disease with the same positive results. This led James to write this book to help as many people as he could.     

The co author has traveled the world learning about coulters, living, philosophy, and health. Along with this he learned about natural remedies, from Africa to Asia, South America to Europe, and here in the USA.

He helped James with research and compiling the information along with documenting all that James did, eating, drinking, vitamins, and over the counter natural pills.

He also contributed to simplifying the data so it is very easy and simple to understand and for others to do the same thing James did to cure himself.  

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